elderly woman wearing a jacket
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Hey, Me in the Future: A Letter to My 100 Year Old Self!

Write a letter to your 100-year-old self.

Oof. This is a tough one, I’m sure I’ll definitely cry writing this.

While I’d love to live a long, happy life – I think 100 years would be too many for me. I’m currently 34 so that would mean 66 more years on earth. Honestly, I hope the world ends before then because I’d much rather be in Heaven than here, especially the way the worlds going. So here’s to eternity spent in the cotton candy clouds (my favourite type of clouds!) I hope you still love the pink sunsets!

starry sky
Photo by Rahul Pandit on Pexels.com

So, onto the letter!

Dear Natalie Brooke,

Well, hello there – you beautiful young lady! If you’re reading this in the year 2090, then you MADE IT to 100!! Which is basically 25 with 75 years experience!! If the numbers don’t line up, then I’m sorry – you’re bad at math, remember?

I hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness, and surrounded by loved ones. I wonder what life is like for you in the year 2090. How much has the world changed since I wrote this in 2025? How much have you changed?

close up shot of a beautiful woman
Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com

As I sit here today, typing away on my Macbook I’m reflecting on the years that have passed, and I wonder — what has changed?

Currently, I’m 34 years old, and am living in Olde Sandwich Towne in Windsor, Ontario. I’m in a season of singleness and am embracing it although I’m longing for someone to live life with. However, I’m using this season as an opportunity to work on myself as a person and become the woman and wife God wants me to become. Did we marry someone? If not, I’m sure we’ve come to terms with it by now!

The world is becoming more and more chaotic to live in, and I’m currently tired of it. So much panic and very little disco. I hope you still love puns, memes, and dad jokes! Hopefully the world has gotten better – (I highly doubt it!!) OR you’ll be celebrating your 101st year in Heaven. I’m pretty positive that Jesus will come before we turn 100, but hey, only He knows!!

pink cowboy boots with sparkling disco theme
Photo by Karley Kosmos on Pexels.com

Wow, you’re 100 years old and still going strong!! I’m so proud of you. You’ve always been quite the trooper. Things will break you ever so often, but you never let them keep you down. Each day is an absolute blessing, and His mercies are new every morning, something you remind yourself a lot. And, it’s still true, He’s never left you or forsaken you!! God is oh so good, and you praise Him for that.

Your effervescent life has been an experience that has left an indelible mark on people and your influence will be your lasting legacy.

What lessons did you learn? If you could talk to me now, what advice would you tell me? (No spoilers though!!)

Did You Finally Slow Down? I hope so.

letter tiles on the white textile
Photo by Vie Studio on Pexels.com

Being self aware and through loved ones telling me — I will always be driven by ambition, always thinking of what’s next. But did I ever pause enough to appreciate the now?

Did I spend enough time with family? Have I expressed my gratitude to those who supported me along the way? Do I cherish the memories in the moment and learn how to stay off my “emotional support” phone and be present?

You will have enough time to do everything that you love, so stop stressing so much. You miss the joy of it all when you are stressed. Be here now. Hug those around you. Ask them how they are really doing, and truly listen (without plotting your response at the same time). Slow down, and listen.

I hope you learned to let go of unnecessary doubts and worries. Being burnt out because of everything on your plate doesn’t help in the long run… Right now, I stress over things that don’t really matter. Did all those small worries and insecurities fade or grow with time? And speaking of wasting energy, I hope you’ve finally stopped caring so much about what other people think of you. Remember all those sleepless nights you spent tossing and turning, agonizing over whether you said the wrong thing, or did the most awkward thing – again?! Yeah, well, I hope you’ve finally realized that other people’s opinions of you don’t matter one bit. It’s God’s opinion that does!!

black letters surrounded with office supplies and crumpled papers
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

I’m writing this to remind you of who you are and what you have accomplished so far. Your identity isn’t a label you were given (Bipolar, Religious, Woman, etc!) Your identity is found in Christ, alone… You are a Child of God. You are a kind, bubbly and curious person who loves to learn new things and help people (even though that’s gotten you into trouble!). Your passions are for writing, creating things and learning new things that expresses your creativity and emotions. Your loved ones who care about you and support you in your various business ventures.

Many trials and tribulations have burdened you in your life, but you have always overcome them with joy and strength. You haven’t always learned from your mistakes but you’ve always grown from your experiences. You’ve never given up on your dreams and goals, even when they seemed impossible or out of reach. You did all this through leaning on the Lord.

hand flowers morning spring
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

You have made a positive impact on the world through using the gifts and talents God gave you. Whether it was through your work, (On that note, did you find a job and/or career?) your hobbies or your relationships. You have touched many lives with your kindness, generosity and wisdom. You have encouraged many people by being transparent about your own story and experience(s) with your mental health, and you may have even broke some of the stigma.

Currently it’s almost two whole years of being sure and steady with my mental health – You’ve come so far, and I know you have it in you to keep going.

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;
    my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28 NIV

You have lived a full and meaningful life, and I’m proud of you for that. I hope you are proud of yourself too! Or else. I hope you still have some dreams and goals to pursue, some ventures to work on, some memories to cherish and some stories to tell.

Instead, if you’re heavy-laden, I hope you’re still looking forward to being in Heaven. I remember you were sad when older people said they couldn’t wait, but I’m sure you understand why now.

happy birthday greeting card beside brown pencil
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

I hope you are happy with who you are and what you have done. And, that you still love yourself and others as much as I do now. I hope you still enjoy the simple things of life as much as I do now.

Natalie, if there’s one thing I want you to remember, even at 100, it’s this — life was never about achievements, labels, or titles. Those who made you feel like it was – well, they don’t matter. It was always about the people you touched with your talents and gifts, the ways you brought people together, brought a smile to their face, etc. You made people feel seen, valid, and heard. Whether or not you felt that way yourself. And, lastly – it was about making disciples. It’ll be amazing to find out who will be in Heaven with you after sharing your story with them.

So, if you’re reading this with a tired spirit but a heart full of stories, then I know you lived well.

And if by some miracle you still have some energy kicking around to pick up a pen, write back to me. I know you still love the ancient (by now!) art of letter writing. Tell me what I got right. Tell me what I was wrong about. But most importantly — tell me that you’re happy, and you think you’re beautiful. And, please tell me you’re still just as effervescent, still love pink dearly, and you’re still blogging too!

woman standing by the table taking notes
Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels.com

I love you very much,

Your 34 year old self.

What would you say to your 100 year old self?

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