Inspirational People in My Life | Embrace Your True Self
Who are the people in my life that inspire me to be my best self? Well, there’s a ton of them! This page will feature them all. I could only find a couple photos of each of them, but not all – so please understand if you’re not there I still love you! I promise. Who inspires you to be unashamedly you?
The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits. – Dan Buettner
My dad: He’s my earthly rock. We’ve been there for each other through thick and thin – quite literally. Haha. He’s been so kind, loving, forgiving, selfless, helpful, and overall amazing!
My Grandma: Donna – she’s the best darn grandma in the whole tootin’ world!! Trust me. She’s beautiful in so many ways. Always kind, generous, loving, helpful and there for me whenever I need a listening ear.
My “Twin” Lindsey: We’re Kindred Spirits, enough said. She’s helped me through things immensely right from the beginning of our friendship which started 17 years or so ago. I love her so much, as she’s also been so kind, loving, understanding, helpful, and overall a great “twin.”
My Best Friend! Adrianna: Oh man, this girl. We’ve also grown through thick and thin. I love her! We’ve grown through so much since we first became friends – having lived together, gone on roadtrips, cried together, laughed together, etc. She’s a wonderful friend – honest, kind, loving, beautiful, generous, and overall epic.
Shannon: Although, we’ve along known each other for 2 years or so… It feels like so long. She’s hilarious, fun, silly, kind, loving, and ever so t-to-the-otally amazing! I love our spontaneous get togethers!
FAH or Auntie Helen: With everything that happened between my mother and I – she really stepped up and gave me some good ‘ole motherly love. She’s kind, loving, generous, helpful, beautiful, and an overall pleasure to be around! I love her.
My Extended Family: Though we don’t see each other every day, I love you to bits. I love my family – they’re a quirky bunch that just makes me love them more! We have our differences but when it comes down to it love is what keeps us together.
My Support System: Seriously, I’m so thankful for each and everyone of you! You guys rock! Although some I might not have known for long – they’ve made such a difference in my life already! Such spontaneous, wonderful, loving, supportive, understanding, kind, funny, epic people. I love my “tribe.”
Lola Bear: I miss her so much, and will continue on for her. Although we’re not together anymore – I continue to pray for her and that she’s happy in her new home. She’s an amazing lil girl and I have such fond memories and photos of her to treasure for the rest of my days! I’m so glad to have spent 9 years with her.
Comment below and tell me who inspires you?
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