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I’ve been Effervescently Busy!

The word of the day is: Effervescent. Which is apparently “me” in a word. It’s definition is – vivacious, appealingly lively and enthusiastic. I’ve been called “bubbly” before but I prefer this word now, big words seem more elegant – no? Introduction What have I been up to? Oof. There’s so much. But, thankfully this is…

selective focus photography of yellow school bus die cast
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Road Trip Adventures: P.E.I. and Nova Scotia Travel Memories!

Describe your most memorable vacation. I couldn’t decide on one, so I chose two!! And, here they are: Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island! I went to P.E.I in 2010, and Nova Scotia in 2019. Both trips were ah-mazing!! So many fun and unforgettable memories were made! And, hello! Anne of Green Gables?! I travelled…

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Whimsy Brooke – My Newest Business Venture!

I’ve always been an entrepreneur – ever since I was a kid. Kool Aid stands, Baby Sitters Club, etc! Eventually, I started my first craft business, which opened up the wonderful world of craft shows and pop up shops! I thrive on meeting new people and networking, so these were amazing experiences for me! However,…