Little Drops of Sunshine

Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows is definitely one of my favourite songs, with Walking on Sunshine coming pretty close!  Today Mr. Sun is shining as best as he can, and it gives me a smile to know that spring is almost here! Ahhhh!  So chin up and hang in there everyone – soon there will be no more climbing up sidewalk mountains, cold toes & noses, sweaters, winter blues, etc!  It’ll be time for us to walk on some sunshine and enjoy all the lollipops and rainbows! 😉  What are you planning on doing this summer?  I’ll be bathing in the sun, learning how to sew, spending time at the river, basking in artsy fartsy stuff, hanging out with my twin and my lovely friends and the like. 🙂  Add in a few roadtrips and I’ll be all set!  I can’t wait!

Here are some lovely things I’ve enjoyed today-

Adorable bookmarks  lovingly made by Cierra from The Yellow House.
∗ Make your own Keep Calm and Carry On poster here.
∗ Yasmine’s crazy cat lady comics.  (Too funny!!)
Vintage butterfly painting – I so need to do something like this!!

Happy Monday everyone – hope you’re having a great one!

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  1. I couldn’t resist that Walking on Sunshine jingle……now I’m just humming along and seriously lusting for being outdoors. Look what you’ve done ! I fully expect to see crocuses poking in my garden by next weekend when spring officially arrives……me and the Easter bunny better not be disappointed:):) Bring on the sunshine ….can’t wait to crack open the sun tan lotion and sport the pretty nail polished toes.
    BTW caught your cold Nat in January…..sick for two weeks then moved on to pneumonia for another two weeks then twisted my knee on some ice and still going to therapy for it….bah humbug…The “Happy” went out of New Year real quick this year. Three cheers fro spring and Happy St. Paddy’s day to you wee lassie.

    1. Isn’t it great?! I’m hoping we’ll not be disappointed either – that definitely will not be good! Speaking of nail polish, I can’t wait to try out some of the ones you guys got me this year! 😀
      Bah humbug is right!! This year didn’t start off well at all, eh? It was great being at your house though! And I’m glad you’re feeling better too! That must have been miserable! Happy Paddy’s day to ye too!

  2. Cute post. My plans for the summer are to spend a lot of time basking in the sun and hopefully get in a road trip too. Mostly I just want to relax and spend time with the husband. 🙂

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