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Monthly Playlist Series: Discover New Music with Me!

I tend to listen to the same playlist over and over again, just like I order the same sub every time. I guess I’m a creature of habit. I thought I’d do a monthly playlist series in hopes of getting new recommendations from y-o-u! Here are some of my recent favourites on my playlists. Follow…

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I’ve been Effervescently Busy!

The word of the day is: Effervescent. Which is apparently “me” in a word. It’s definition is – vivacious, appealingly lively and enthusiastic. I’ve been called “bubbly” before but I prefer this word now, big words seem more elegant – no? Introduction What have I been up to? Oof. There’s so much. But, thankfully this is…

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The BIG Reveal: Answers to Your Questions!

Do you generally prefer pen or pencil or coloring sticks? Depends what I’m using them for? I prefer black ink (pens) for letter writing, pencils for drawing and colouring sticks (coloured pencils!) for colouring. Have you ever dyed your hair? What color would you dye it? Yes, I have. Here is a photo below, I…