The BIG Reveal: Answers to Your Questions!
Do you generally prefer pen or pencil or coloring sticks?
Depends what I’m using them for? I prefer black ink (pens) for letter writing, pencils for drawing and colouring sticks (coloured pencils!) for colouring.
Have you ever dyed your hair? What color would you dye it?
Yes, I have. Here is a photo below, I got ombre highlights. If I had enough courage I would dye my hair a pastel pink! Haha.

Prefer the beach, ocean, city or country?
Oof. Hard question. Definitely not the beach or ocean. I’ve always lived in the city so the country seems appealing, but I love the mountains too!
What type of house do you prefer? Ex: modern, tiny, cottage, victorian etc?
I prefer tiny, cottage and or victorian… not all at the same time! Haha. If I had to choose one I would pick victorian, simply because of the area I live in. (and if it’s pink that’s a plus!!)

Do you prefer hardcover books, soft cover, kindle or audio?
I prefer hardcover books becausse they seem to have a vintage flair to them… soft cover books are the worst in my opinion. I actually have a kobo (Canadian kindle!) and can’t do audio at all.
Which part of the library are you seen at most? Why?
I’m usually seen in my “office” which is in the left corner of the library where you walk in… I have a white table there that I sit at with all my creative goodies/books/etc! If not there than upstairs in the old stable room (the library was a firehouse back in the day!) hosting a workshop or socializing with my community! I love it there. I don’t know if this answers the “why” aspect but, basically the library is my second home and sanctuary…
Do you subscribe to any magazine and which one is your favorite?
I don’t currently, but in the past I was gifted an Australian magazine subscription to Frankie. It’s my absolute favourite magazine!

Would you rather spend time with a baby, very young children or the elderly?
Elderly all the way!! My community at the library consists of Elders and I’ve always gotten along better with older adults than people my age or younger. However, I can be quite the chameleon… I can be friends with anyone of any age and spend time with them. Young children are the next best for me because I’m young at heart.
What fabric do you prefer wearing?
Sweaters. Sweater weather all the way!!! I love Autumn fashion so much.

Name 3 of your favorite scripture verses.
Isaiah 53:6, Psalm 46:5, and Hebrews 13:5 (and any other verse where God promises never to leave us nor forsake us!!)
What’s your favorite food?
Pasta, Poutine and Cheesecake!
Do you like getting your nails done?
I actually don’t! I like having them all done up and pretty, but sitting there having them done isn’t for me. It hurts, is expensive, and I can’t stand someone touching my hands. I prefer to do them myself!

That’s all for this round! Hope you enjoyed!

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