
Where She Crafts

I started some spring cleaning in my room, (thanks to 40 in 40!) and decided to give my desk area a new look.  Hope you like it as much as I do! When I’m not using my desk to make cards, I’m usually on the floor covered in glue, buttons, and ribbon!  Hah.  As messy as I am when I craft, I like to keep everything organized.. what’s your craft/desk area look like?

Hope everyone’s having a great Saturday!

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  1. …my work area is a small marquetry rose wood
    square table slightly lower than my knees
    as i sit in a matching chair with paddle arm rests,
    perfect as mice pads, with a hinged seat
    swinging back and forth suspended
    from a mauve leather backrest.
    both pieces are joined together
    with pegs and look more like
    sculpture than furniture.
    i sit in front of a raised fireplace
    in the livingroom so i can use its low shelf
    for my dictionarys. a japanese scroll
    of a woman doing origami, a crane,
    hangs to the right in the corner
    and the tips of her toes peek
    coyly from a voluminous kimono
    with port cochére/bustle.
    at my immediate right
    is a photo of two pandas
    at the mexico city zoo
    peering over a boulder wall
    shoulder to shoulder.

  2. i’m not sure if i can comment a picture, but i will try. you’ve probably already seen it anyway.
    this is what my desk looked like in october. i should take a new picture because it’s kind of different now.

  3. oh my! my crafting area is just my desk! it’s been through many remodelations these last years and now it looks completely different!
    it’s a glass table actually and i have the printer and my laptop, and thousands of little things, boxes, cases… mess! hahaha
    and beneath i have carton boxes full of things and on them more stuff that i can’t get in those boxes… need a serious cleaning over here too!

  4. love it and can imagine it’s quite an inspiring place to work from. but oh my, picturing you covered in buttons, glue and the like is making me giggle. what craftsters have to go through for their art…awesome lades!

    my home office is mostly white with pops of bright accents to keep it lively. lots of pictures for insp and tons of books to flip through when net surfing winds down. it’s also the place we keep our kittehs litter box, the nemesis of all!!! i mean right when i sit down, that’s when they decide to do their business – what the wha??? ; )

    cool to see you liked the pay it forward thing, fab stuff. happy monday to you.

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