John Muir Library – The “Cool” Library!
Where have I been spending the most of my time in Sandwich Towne? Well, grab a cuppa tea (or coffee!) and read on!

One day shortly after I moved to this side of town I was walking in the neighbourhood and found what looked like a beautiful cafe. Turns out it was a library – and what a library it is!! Fun fact: Many people think it’s a cafe while walking by – I was not the only one!

I walked in and met a lovely person called JCB – I featured her in my previous post. Unbeknownst to me, we’d form an amazing friendship throughout my time here. I’m so thankful I moved here – as I never would have met her. She immediately took me aside, gave me a tour of the library, and “mothered” me right from the beginning. I can not properly express how much she means to me! She is what makes this library a “cool” welcoming, and safe sanctuary. I actually wrote a review weeks after being a regular patreon – you can read it here. I now have my own “office” where I spend a lot of time, and also it’s where I’m writing this – of course!
My favourite structural part of the library is the tower, and the bridge. Yes, there’s a bridge in the library.
What else makes this library cool? Well, you can be as loud as you want, within reason. It’s an open concept building that’s sometimes used for concerts and events. The building was originally a school, church and fire house. The fire house sadly burnt down due to a ironic accident. Come to visit to hear more of the history – 363 Mill Street Windsor, Ontario Canada.

The programs are amazing too – I’ve met and made a community of people here, young and old – which is just what I needed at the time. I’ve survived two winters whereas any other time I would have been depressed with seasonal depression at home. Mental health is real, and I’d recommend to those dealing with it to build a community and support system. Especially at a safe place like a library, school or church! Our current programs are as follows: Create and Chat which was formerly known as Sew Sisters until an amazing guy joined. Now, instead of sewing we usually bring our own projects and gab the time away! It’s great fun. That’s on Tuesdays. On Thursdays we meet in the stable for the Sandwich Senior Social – which is an Adults and Seniors program. I’m a faux senior there and have been adopted by a few of them. Shoutout to Sher and Joan!!
Obviously my favourite person is JCB – she’s a huge part of the library and brings a lot of joy and light to it. Without her there I don’t know what I’d do. She’s honestly made such a difference in my life, for the good. I’m blessed to know her and thank God for her.
As I said, I’m a regular here since I’m usually in my office everyday. Because of this I’ve been named an honorary staff member and have led a few programs and workshops as a volunteer. Including these presentations: penpalling around, getting back into reading, an interview, a mural collection, and much more! It’s been a joy being the oldest volunteer at this library.

I’ve even applied to be a Library Page and am wishin’ and hopin’ and prayin’ that I’ll get an interview – honestly, I’ve kinda got my hopes up but we’ll see!
Enjoy the photos I’ve shared. I hope you’ll visit and love the library as much as I do!
Do you go to your local library, and what genres do you like to read?
That’s all for now!

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