
Through the (Awkward) Years

I was looking through a magazine and found an article with an interview on Stacy London (LOVE her!)  In the interview she states that she had an awkward stage through age nine to thirty! Can you imagine? Everyone has their awkward stage, thankfully mine only lasted about 4 years. (My highschool years) As you can see, I had a really tough time taming my brunette locks. They were poofy, frizzy, big, wavy, curly, with no thanks to thinning out, bad haircuts, and wrong products. I even tried straightening it chemically! Since then I’ve found a nice routine to tame my hair, and have embraced my curls! Well here are the lovely photos, enjoy! Try not to laugh too much! 😉

Ps: 2004 is my grade nine yearbook photo – poofy chipmunk much? 😉


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  1. Aw, haha this is a really cute post idea! And I also looove Stacy London! My awkward stage was from about… 7-23 or so? Ha! As soon as my “adult” teeth grew in I was no longer a cute kid – then had braces/frizzy hair/glasses, then went through a million different (awful) stages during high school & college trying to find my style. Sigh.

    1. Thanks Kate! 🙂 Stacy London is the best – I’d love to be on the show, just for meeting her and the shopping spree. haha! Braces are horrible. I had them as well, so glad to be over that stage! That’s great that you found your style (love your blog by the way!!), I’m still trying to find mine – and I’m hoping I can bypass the awkward stages. (eek!) Wish me luck?

  2. I love this post! The photo story is such a great idea. 🙂
    You’re so cute – I love how you described your evolving relationship with your hair. It looks like you two get along just great now. 😉

  3. You keep reading my mind Natalie lol
    You look so cute… I was thinking on posting pictures of my hairstyles through time…
    Well I’m in my 30’s now, so I’ll include some 80’s weird looks hahaha.
    Your style is gorgeous, you are lovely. Keep that pace girl!

    Your hair is really beautiful.


    1. Haha, great minds think alike? 😉 Awwe, thanks! I love looking through timelines of peoples hairstyles and things – so much fun! Lol, gotta love the 80’s! and thanks again!! I’m still trying to “find” my style, but it’s going pretty well. You’re the best! <3

  4. Oh! and I love Stacey London too she is really funny, when I watch her show she makes me laugh with her clever comments.


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