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Featured Artist ~ Dasa

I have an account on DeviantART (VintageBrunette) – which is an amazing website if you’re an artist or into art!  Recently I stumbled across Dasa, a user by the name of happytrouble, whose artwork is absolutely beautiful, breathtaking, amazing and the list goes on! She has quickly become my favorite artist – and once you see her work I’m sure you’ll love her too.  (If not then you’re silly – what’s not to love?!) She’s normally a pencil artist but has been dabbing more into watercolour and acrylics.  She uses colour with confidence, and her paintings draw you into the moment that she creates.  Her gallery shows you a wide range of subjects and mediums – and I guarantee you’ll feel inspired with just one look!  Plus she’s really nice and helpful to boot!  Below are a few of my favourites of hers. Note: it’s incredibly hard to choose just a few, so definitely go take a look at her gallery! 🙂

Well I’m off to go get me some modelling paste, a pallete knife, some more acrylic colours, charcoal and more!  I need a craft store attached to my house – sheesh!!  Ahhh, it’s good to be back into the creative groove again! I’m working on a peacock painting at the moment, it’s coming along great! 🙂

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  1. can’t wait to see your painting!!!!! 🙂 I want to paint too but I have no room for that with all my cards already…

    1. Thanks! – I’m excited to see what it looks like too! 🙂 Awwe, you should start though! Start out small.. I’ve just got three paints, brushes, and pastels so far, it’s really relaxing and definitely worth it!!

  2. absolutely love deviantart!!! Dasa’s work is sublime; her plays on colors, textures, ambient lighting and atmospheres are consistently ace. thanks so much for sharing her art, totally gonna check it out further. cheers to finishing your own painting, i’m sure it’ll be a total standout. happy week lades!

    1. I know, eh?! It’s an amazing source of never-ending inspiration!! 🙂 I totally agree – she is so talented and deserves so much more attention! No problem, I’m glad you liked it! & thanks for the encouraging words!! You too girl! <3

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